Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring Art

Myth - cut paper EG

Myth - cut paper 

Myth - cut paper

Myth - cut paper

Myth - cut paper

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Myth - cut paper

Myth - cut paper

Passage of time

Block Print

Block Prints

Friday, March 2, 2012

Our Personal Hell Pictures

These are all pictures of what the artist would not want to do for eternity:
Watching fire
Being sealed in a Bottle
Grocery shopping
Lonely Death

February 2012

Steve Jobs Memorial

Memorial to Tornado victims

Route 66 Memorial

Life in a Box

Life in a Snow Globe

Inner and Outer Life in 2 Boxes

Childhood in a Box

Life Aquatic

Life not enclosed

Agent Orange Memorial


Poached Elephants

7th Grade Accordion Books

Bird houses